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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New phrases

Sandy has learned to question things and it's driving me insane. I find it cute yes, but 30 "what's that mommy?" in 10 minutes is too much even for me. What's hard is when I don't even know the answer. For example, we were watching TV and she kept on asking who the person was. I didn't know who it was and I'm so tired and sleepy so all I say is she's a person. So now, she refers to people on TV as "a person".

It still doesn't cease to amaze me how she can talk in sentences now. While we were lying on the bed, I told her to suck on her old pacifier just for fun. She did and after a while, she pushed the pacifier towards my mouth. Instinctively, I closed my mouth to stop the monstrous, saliva-covered pacifier from entering. She then said, "Mommy? open your mouth." in a no-nonsense tone.

What a funny little girl.