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Thursday, March 22, 2007

A sound mind and body

Working moms like me find it hard to fully concentrate when there's a baby waiting at home. We get easily distracted with the smallest things that nothing gets done. When nothing gets done, you need to compensate by working long hours thus resulting to stress and fatigue. It is very important that we take care of our body so we can take care of our children.

There are lots of prescription drugs out there that can help us improve
concentration and reduce stress. Focuset is one of them. It is a natural
supplement that can enhance your concentration and improve memory. It is
very different from other prescription drugs wherein you'll experience side
effects such as headaches and dizziness.

Focuset works naturally and effectively because it uses herbal extracts. One
of the most commonly known ingredients used is Green Tea, which is known
for its relaxation effect. Other ingredients are L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, yerba Mate, Guarana, NADH and Vinpocetine. Whether you need a quick energy boost or want to have a restful sleep, one to two caplets a day are enough to keep your mind and body healthy.