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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Another Phrase

Sandy and I were looking at her baby pictures last night.

Papa: Who’s that? Is that Ate Gabby? (Ate Gabby is her cousin and current favorite)
Sandy: Baby Sandy!
Papa: Sandy, you say “no, that’s baby sandy”.
Sandy: (thinking)
Sandy: Don’t think so!

Hahaha. How cute!

Sandy: Papa Sherwin! Papa Sherwin!
Papa: Don’t say Sherwin, just say Papa.
Mama: Yes, say Papa only.
Sandy: Not Daddy. Papa only (her Papa told her not to call him Daddy before)

It just shows that she really do understand what we’re talking about and not just repeating what we’re saying.

Sandy loves to hang out inside our bathroom now. While I was typing at my computer, I saw her move slowly towards the bathroom. Once inside, she noticed that the lights were off so she stood in the middle thinking of something to do. All of a sudden, she shouted “Mommy! There baby inside!! Mommy! There baby inside!!”

What a delightful little girl.