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Friday, June 08, 2007

Still kicking

I know I said I’m giving up pumping but I just don’t have the strength to do it. I’m allowing Sandy another two months and hopefully, she will be ready to take formula by the time we stop. The good news is my supply is getting stronger! Sandy, who used to hate the sight of my pump, is now the one who “forces” me to pump. While she’s feeding, I will hold the pump near my legs, close enough that she will notice it on her own. When she sees the pump, she will say, “Mama, pump!” then she’ll hold the pump and put it on my other breast. If she’s not in the mood and starting to push the pump away, I’ll just say, “Oh no! Mommy has no more milk. I think we need to check if we still have milk?”. She’ll smile then position the pump herself and wait patiently until the milk comes out. As soon as she sees the milk, she’ll give me a smug smile and say, “See?” then go back to nursing.

Isn’t that great?