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Monday, June 02, 2008

Designs and Trash

I need to design a logo. The problem is my creative juices have totally gone dry. I just have no idea how to start. I've visited my favorite websites but none of them were even close to inspiring me. Well, except for this cool page where they teach you how to buy a bus, (see chalkboard effect on the way the notes were written), I couldn't, for the life of me design a logo. I tried to incorporate the style of the chalkboard but ended up having a design so similar it borders on plagiarism. So no, thank you. I'd just have to try again.


Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to be creative enough to design things from scratch. It just has never been in the cards for me, ideas just do not come.

Anonymous said...

The first time when I tried to design one logo for me you can't believe how much time it costs'.....! I have taken abut one week to finish it.