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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Everyone is good by default

But have you wondered how good you really are? Do you give your seat to an elderly or you don't see them at all? Do you like revenge? Are you forgiving?

I tried the quiz below and surprised to see that I'm just 52% good. And it says that I have the possibility of being a crooked politican. How weird is that? Go try it yourself.

You Are 52% Good

You are a fairly good person. You strive to live a moral life whenever possible.

You are usually kind, generous, and loyal. However, you do have a dark side that even you may not see.

When it comes down to ethical decisions, you tend to take the path of least resistance.

So you may end up lying, cheating, or engaging in other bad behavior... because it's just easier to do so.

You are also probably: Conflicted and confused about the current course of your life

Right now you are on track to being: A slightly crooked politician

To be a better person: Break one bad habit - whether it's telling white lies or spending too much money.


Anonymous said...

Well, I was slightly aback. I couldn't imagine that my goodness will prevail over my little demons inside. I enjoyed the game!