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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Breastfeeding Poster

I forgot to post it here. A couple of months ago, our pedia asked us if we could provide her a photo of myself nursing the little girl. So I sent her two of my so-called best shots (there weren't any because I was always sleep deprived so I look sad and tired on most of them). The last time I heard, they were using our photo for a pamphlet but I didn't think about it that much. So imagine how surprised I am when we saw this huge poster about breastfeeding with my photo in it. I mean it's really huge that my thighs look 10x bigger LOL.

poster.jpg bfeeding1.jpg

I'm still proud though. It's a poster urging mothers to breastfed their babies and I'm glad to be a part of it, no matter how small (or BIG in my legs case) my contribution was.