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Monday, September 10, 2007

Tagged by Jenny

1. Are you taller than your mom?- oh yes!

2. What color is your curtain?- we don't use curtains, we like blinds more.

3. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red?- well, tons. pooh's t-shirt. hubby's ferrari cap. sandy's skirt

4. What is your ring tone?- i'm boring. i use this default ring tone on my phone.

5. Does anything hurt on your body right now- my back is killing me for sitting in the computer all day

6. What color is your favorite pillow?- white

7.What is/are your favorite video game?- i love tekken lol. i used to skip class just to play it beside our university.

8. Had a nap today?- nap? what's that? lol

9. Gold or Silver?- Silver

10. Is there an animal that creeps you out?- anything that crawls.

Thanks Jen for tagging me :D