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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Working at home - all hype?

I've been finding it hard to work lately. Sandy's separation anxiety is on its peak so she's always looking for me even if I'm in the other room. Imagine yourself writing or designing something important when all of a sudden, you hear a loud cry with a heart-breaking "Mommmyyy". What do you do? I suppose I can ignore her but my heart just won't. I always find myself checking on her and upon seeing her tear-streaked face, there's really nothing I can do but to hold her in my arms. It's not so bad really. I can use the break from time to time. What's hard is once I stop what I'm doing, I just can't go back to it immediately. Whatever it is that I'm thinking gets wiped out, leaving me with an unfinished article or a half-baked design job.

I probably need to sleep really late or wake up really early so I can get something done.