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Thursday, August 09, 2007

When it rains, it pours

Everyone in my small family is either sick or sleep-deprived. It has been five days now and the little girl is still finding it hard to breathe. We're not sure if it's UTI, pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma. Apparently, doctors are now into guessing these days. After the CBC test, they sent her home with loads of prescriptions which I honestly think doesn't help her the least bit. I have been neglecting my work, sidelines and own health. Hubby and I doesn't sleep, we nap for 30 minutes to 1 hour if we're lucky. My arms and back are on fire from carrying Sandy while she tries to sleep. It's so hard. I won't mind the sleepless nights as long as the little one is sleeping and breathing fine.

I have millions of stuff to do, designs to create, paid assignments to write and piles of envelop bills that need to be organized. I saw some skin care products purchase on our credit card bill and I don't remember ever buying one for the last two months.

I desperately need to keep it together.