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Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I can't get any lazier than this. All I want to do is sleep or just lie down in bed doing nothing. I miss those times when you can do what you want, whenever, wherever. I don't seem to be getting any sleep at all. Can't even remember my dreams, if ever I had any. Even when Sandy is asleep, I can't rest because I'm either trying to grab paid opps or cramming with design tasks for work. And if I try to close my eyes, all the things that I need to do will fill my head that my eyes will keep on opening on their own. Which is why instead of sleeping, I'm just slacking off. I'm so uninspired that I can't do any designs and so tired that I won't be able to write any paid opps.

And to be honest, what I really want to do is eat a moist, dark chocolate cake.